A Note from the Front.....


I hope that this note finds you well. We’ve had a busy week and it seems like we are on the verge of seeing an end to the great “sock drought” of 2020. As a result we’ve got a lot of great things to report.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to make a donation over the past couple of weeks. During this period where we can’t run fundraisers, your help takes on more importance than you can realize.

I’d also like to thank everyone who sent us notes, e-mails and calls over the past couple of weeks following our updates regarding our son and his legacy. We’re grateful that unlike most support organizations, we don’t have donors, we have a community, a family that cares not only about the welfare of the men and women forward, but about us as well.

Words can’t begin to describe our gratitude that you are in our lives today.

We received word that we will be receiving our first order of socks within 30 days, followed by a second order 10 days after and then subsequent orders of socks through the New Year. 40,000 pair in all. It’s been a long haul, but we are finally near the end of it and are ready to go back to work doing what we do best, caring for Americans in harm’s way.

During a conversation recently, someone asked me, “Are you going to keep sending stuff out? I thought that we were bringing all of the troops home?” It’s a fair question, here is the answer.

Yes. We are going to continue to send socks forward. Why? Because regardless of the news, there are still people in the fight and while they are there, we’re going to be there with them.

What my friend was referring to is the news that the US is pulling 2,200 troops out of Iraq, leaving a residual force of 3,000. According to the sources quoted, it is because the Iraqi Government forces are able to take the fight to ISIS without as much US help. This week also saw the opening of peace talks between the Taliban and the current Afghan government. This is the second part of the agreement between the US and the Taliban for a US withdrawal from that country. While many are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, there are others who are not as optimistic.

We’ve pulled out troops before only to have to send them back again because the job was left unfinished. I am hoping that this is not the case this time.

On Friday, we observed the 19th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on our Nation by Al Qaeda which launched our country into the largest military mobilization and the longest war in our history. This war which has lasted for 19 years, has seen 16 million Americans stepping forward to protect their Nation. Of those who stepped forward, 7,000 paid the last full measure of service to their Nation.

I’ve written about this before, every year to commemorate the anniversary, I put our American flags up in our yard. Every year, someone asks what the occasion is.

They have forgotten that on September 12th, when the Twin Towers were burning, everyone looked to Americas Armed Forces for protection. Now, they are hardly an afterthought. But while America sleeps, they continue to stand between us and harm’s way.

There are Marines, Soldiers and Special Operations units in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria who are still in combat. There are Marine, Army and Air Force aviation units that are carrying out vital combat and rescue missions those same places.

They go about their business professionally and without fanfare. They are America’s finest. We are proud to support them.

And while they don’t ask for it, they’re grateful when someone tries to make their lives easier.

While I was stewing about the state of affairs in our Nation, the mailman came. He brought a large Manila envelope. In it was a folder with a certificate of appreciation and a challenge coin from an Osprey Squadron that we were able to get some socks to. Their service area takes them to all the hotspots in play today. Their squadron name is “The Sea Elks” after their mascot “Lucky the Elk” and their motto is simply “Because we can.”

The note from their Commander is validation for our mission. It reads:

“On behalf of the Aviation Combat Element, I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your support during our mission. The socks received while on deployment were distributed to all Marines in the squadron including Marines from other elements bringing with them smile and a sense of feeling appreciated for the hard work that they are doing.

The hours of labor you and your team contributed to the packaging and mailing of each package did not go unnoticed. Your patriotism and support boosted the Morale of all the Marines assigned to the Aviation Combat Element, and a successful deployment during this mission.”

I have attached photos of both, as you are the ones who deserve them, not us.

Reading his generous words, I regret not having read them prior to my conversation with my friend when he asked me why we continued doing what we do, as they provided me with the perfect response.

Because we can.

Thanks for joining us in our position in this fight!

Jim Hogan

In memory of our son, LCPL Donald Hogan

Posthumously awarded the Navy Cross

KIA 8/26/2009 Nawa, Afghanistan

We honor his memory by caring for Americans wherever they serve in harm’s way.
